Ferrari, Eugenia; Tirabassi, Sofia; Vodrup, Magnus; Bergström, Jonas

On the Brauer group of bielliptic surfaces (with an appendix by Jonas Bergström and Sofia Tirabassi)

Doc. Math. 27, 383-425 (2022)
DOI: 10.25537/dm.2022v27.383-425
Communicated by Gavril Farkas


We provide explicit generators of the torsion of the second cohomology of bielliptic surfaces, and we use this to study the pullback map between the Brauer group of a bielliptic surface and that of its canonical cover.

Mathematics Subject Classification

14F22, 14J27


bielliptic surfaces, Brauer group, canonical covers


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Ferrari, Eugenia
Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, Bergen, Norway
Tirabassi, Sofia
Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Kraftriket hus 6, Stockholm, Sweden
Vodrup, Magnus
Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, Bergen, Norway
Bergström, Jonas
Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Kraftriket hus 6, Stockholm, Sweden
