Non-trivial solutions to certain matrix equations prefix ID Li, Aihua; Randall, Duane Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 282-289, electronic only (2002)
Some inequalities for the Khatri-Rao product of matrices prefix ID Cao, Chong-Guang; Zhang, Xian; Yang, Zhong-Peng Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 276-281, electronic only (2002)
Constructions of trace zero symmetric stochastic matrices for the inverse eigenvalue problem prefix ID Reams, Robert Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 270-275, electronic only (2002)
The combinatorial structure of eventually nonnegative matrices prefix ID Naqvi, Sarah Carnochan; McDonald, Judith J. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 255-269, electronic only (2002)
Iterations of concave maps, the Perron-Frobenius theory, and applications to circle packings prefix ID Peretz, Ronen Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 197-254, electronic only (2002)
On the Cayley transform of positivity classes of matrices prefix ID Fallat, Shaun M.; Tsatsomeros, Michael J. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 190-196, electronic only (2002)
Deux modèles pour les opérateurs de contraction prefix ID Bendoukha, Berrabah Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 171-189, electronic only (2002)
On spectra of expansion graphs and matrix polynomials. II prefix ID Förster, K.-H.; Nagy, B. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 158-170, electronic only (2002)
The Moore of the Moore-Penrose inverse prefix ID Ben-Israel, Adi Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 150-157, electronic only (2002)
On a strong form of a conjecture of Boyle and Handelman. prefix ID Goldberger, Assaf; Neumann, Michael Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 138-149, electronic only (2002)
Proof of Atiyah's conjecture for two special types of configurations prefix ID Djoković, Dragomir Ž. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 132-137, electronic only (2002)
Integral representation of the Drazin inverse prefix ID Castro González, N.; Koliha, J.J.; Wei, Yimin Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 129-131, electronic only (2002)
Isometric tight frames prefix ID Reams, Robert; Waldron, Shayne Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 122-128, electronic only (2002)
Maximal nests of subspaces, the matrix Bruhat decomposition, and the marriage theorem---with an application to graph coloring prefix ID Brualdi, Richard A. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 118-121, electronic only (2002)
Variational characterizations of the sign-real and the sign-complex spectral radius prefix ID Rump, Siegfried M. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 112-117, electronic only (2002)
A simple proof of the classification of normal Toeplitz matrices prefix ID Arimoto, Akio Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 108-111, electronic only (2002)
The symmetric linear matrix equation prefix ID Ran, André C.M.; Reurings, Martine C.B. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 93-107 (2002)
Shells of matrices in indefinite inner product spaces prefix ID Bolotnikov, Vladimir; Li, Chi-Kwong; Meade, Patrick R.; Mehl, Christian; Rodman, Leiba Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 67-92 (2002)
The convergence rate of the Chebyshev semiiterative method under a perturbation of the foci of an elliptic domain prefix ID Li, Xiezhang; Arroyo, Fangjun Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 55-66 (2002)
Berkowitz's algorithm and clow sequences prefix ID Soltys, Michael Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 42-54, electronic only (2002)
On the $m$-th roots of a complex matrix prefix ID Psarrakos, Panayiotis J. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 32-41, electronic only (2002)
Estimation of the maximum multiplicity of an eigenvalue in terms of the vertex degrees of the graph of a matrix prefix ID Johnson, Charles R.; Saiago, Carlos M. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 27-31, electronic only (2002)
Positive eigenvalues and two-letter generalized words prefix ID Hillar, C.; Johnson, C.R.; Spitkovsky, I.M. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 21-26, electronic only (2002)
The $P_0$-matrix completion problem prefix ID Choi, Ji Young; DeAlba, Luz Maria; Hogben, Leslie; Maxwell, Mandi S.; Wangsness, Amy Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9, 1-20, electronic only (2002)